Computer as a System
Computer can be considered as a device made up of a combination of electronic and electromechanical components. As any other devices computer by itself has no intelligence. A computer comes to life only when it is connected to some other components. The computer along with these components make it a system -The Computer System
The computer system is a combination of basically five elements
The physical equipments and components which one can see, touch and feel ( tangible components ) in a computer system are called hardware. Eg: keyboard, mouse, moniter
The instructions that tell the hardware how to perform a task is called software. The hardware does not know what to do without these instructions. Eg: C++, Windows, ubantu, linux, android, java
Users or people are considered as the most important component of the computer system. They operate the hardware create the instructions to perform a particular task i. e., software, responds to procedures that these instructions present and coordinate the data and information flow.
Procedures are the steps to be followed while a particular task is being performed using the computer system. These procedures may be documented or guided by the software that perform the task.