Computer as a System  

Computer can be considered as a device made up of a combination of electronic and electromechanical components. As any other devices computer  by itself has no intelligence. A computer comes to life only when it is connected to some other components.  The computer along with these components make it a system  -The Computer System  
The computer system is a combination of basically five elements                                                                                       


The physical  equipments and components which one can see,  touch and feel ( tangible components  ) in a computer  system are called hardware.                                                                       Eg: keyboard, mouse, moniter


The instructions that tell the hardware  how to perform a task is called software.  The hardware does not know what to do without these instructions.                                                                Eg: C++, Windows, ubantu, linux, android, java


Users or people are considered as the most important component of the computer system.  They operate the hardware create the instructions to perform a particular task i. e., software,  responds to procedures that these instructions present and coordinate the data and information flow.                                                                                                    


Procedures are the steps to be followed while a particular  task is being performed using  the computer system.  These procedures may be documented or guided by the software that perform the task.                                                                     


The prime objective of a computer system is data processing.  Data are raw,  unevaluated facts and figures,  concepts or instruction. This raw material is processed into useful information.  Information is the product of data processing.                                                                                     


    A computer system as such can be set up to communicate with another computer system.  The media used to connect the two systems like phone lines, artificial satellites,  microwave stations are also considered as an element of the total computer system                                                                                   


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